Hi I am a subscriber but haven't managed to find a suitable function to separate out a cell that contains a foreign language from the English translation.
(Actually, all LCIDs can be expressed in four hexadecimal digits, but if the leading digit is a zero, you don't need to include it.) The example above shows how to express results in English, but you can pick any of a wide range of countries: Code The code is either three or four hexadecimal digits. Note that the bracketed code is within the format string, and the code itself is preceded by a dollar sign and a dash. You do this by including a language code (formally called an LCID) within brackets, in this manner: If you are using the TEXT worksheet function because it is part of a larger formula, then you can instruct the function itself to use a different language for its output. Excel modifies the date formats available to you. In the case of Mikael's need, picking English (United States) is a good choice.
You can easily format a cell to display a date in any language follow these steps: The first is applicable if you simply need to display a date (and nothing else) in a cell-simply don't use the TEXT function. There are a couple of ways you can approach this problem.

He would like the months returned in English instead, and wonders how he can instruct the TEXT function as to which language it should use. If he uses the TEXT function to format dates, as in TEXT(A1,"mmmm, yyyy"), the textual format returned shows the months in Danish.